Donor Advised Funds
This type of fund is one of our most appealing charitable vehicles. Donor Advised Funds make possible several options, such as making a charitable gift now, making suggestions regarding which charities you would like to support, setting up a fund through your will/estate and naming certain people as advisors to your fund. Donors receive both tax and philanthropic benefits in a simple format with a high degree of flexibility.
Phil and Cora Arledge Family – for public, charitable, and educational purposes as to provide a benefit to the residents of Fairfield County and/or surrounding counties.
Barrows Family – To benefit the residents of Fairfield County and other charitable causes.
John and Marcia Baughman Family Fund – To benefit The Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption’s special liturgical operating fund, “For the Honor of God;” the Ohio University Foundation via the Baughman Family Scholarship Fund at OU-L; the Fox Family Y’s Partner for Youth Fund, the Fairfield County Foundation’s Ambassadors' Fund, and the Friends of the Fairfield County District Library.
Blue Label/One Write Fund – This fund shall be used for the purpose of benefiting the residents and organizations of Fairfield County.
Christian Stewardship – To provide financial assistance for charitable causes, not exclusively, but with an emphasis on, supporting Christian-based efforts such as evangelism, missionary support, and providing for the needy both within and outside Fairfield County.
Claypool Family – for public, charitable, and educational purposes as to provide a benefit to the residents of Fairfield County.
Matt and Sarah Claypool Family – to provide a charitable benefit to the residents of Fairfield County.
Judd and Mary Ann Clover – to benefit to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Preserves and Crane Hollow, Inc. through grants for environmental education and funds to support educational program operations.
Donley Family – Distributions shall be made primarily to charitable organizations that provide services primarily in the area of Pickerington or Violet Township.
Charles and Diana Eversole Family – To provide an ultimate benefit to the people of Fairfield County, Ohio, for public, charitable and educational purposes, with special consideration given to the Fairfield Heritage Association and matching funds to the Fairfield Medical Center Foundation.
Amy Eyman Charitable – to be used for public, charitable, and educational purposes to provide a benefit to the residents of Fairfield County and/or surrounding counties.
Gertrude Eyman Memorial – To support St. John’s Episcopal Church in Lancaster, Ohio by providing resources for traditional church music, new endeavors and general upkeep, and to support the Fairfield County Humane Society.
Hubie and Jenny Eyman Memorial – To be used for public, charitable and educational purposes to provide an ultimate benefit to the residents of Fairfield County.
Lorelei and David Gibbs Family – To support charitable organizations.
Great Commission – To support charitable organizations and to further the teachings of Jesus Christ, whether local, national or worldwide.
Sally Grimm Community Fund – For public, charitable, and educational purposes to provide a benefit to the residents of Fairfield County and/or surrounding counties.
The Rotary Club of Lancaster-Sherman Fred & Margie Hatcher Endowment – To support the needs of the Lancaster and Fairfield County community.
Harcum Family Fund – To provide financial assistance for charitable organizations.
Lloyd F. and Diann L. Helber Fund – To provide funds for charitable purposes.
Tina Rose B. Herrmann and Kody Alexander Maynard Healing Hearts Memorial – To provide grants and assistance to help victims of violent crimes.
Jackson Family – To provide charitable programs which will aid the children and aged of Fairfield County and Bloom Township.
David L. Johns – To be used for public, charitable and educational purposes for Fairfield County.
Jennie L. Johns – To be used for public, charitable and educational purposes to provide ultimate benefit for the people of Amanda, Ohio.
Matthew Jones – To make grants to charitable organizations for charitable purposes.
Robert C. Kalish Memorial Youth Park Program – To provide funds for summer youth camp program for fourth and fifth graders attending Liberty Union-Thurston School District, or who reside in the school district, at no charge to the child.
Wayne and Jennifer LaRue Family— For charitable, educational, artistic, and public purposes to provide a benefit for Fairfield County.
Looney Family Leadership— For charitable grants to nonprofit organizations selected by the Looney family and for scholarships for Liberty Union High School graduating seniors who are pursuing post-secondary education.
The Magpie Fund - Maggie Grace Lyons Memorial – To provide awards for college, camps or other needs as approved by the Lyons family to individuals (up to age 21) whose siblings have special needs and/or have severe medical issues and to provide awards/donations to other not-for-profit organizations supporting individuals with special needs and/or severe medical issues.
Jayne and Jim McGill Educational – for the science, math and theology programs at Saint Mary School and William V. Fisher Catholic High School in Fairfield County, Ohio.
Jayne and Jim McGill Family – To be used for public, charitable and educational purposes to provide an ultimate benefit to the children in Fairfield County, Ohio.
Jayne and Jim McGill Pro-Life – to support of the Pregnancy Decision Health Center (PDHC) located in Central Ohio.
Terry A. McGhee/Sally J. Grimm Community – To be used for public, charitable and educational purposes.
Toni L. McKinney Memorial – To benefit selected local and national charities and the residents and non-profit organizations in Central Ohio.
Kent and Judy Miller Charitable – To support charitable organizations for charitable purposes.
Joan and Melvin Moore – For public, charitable, and educational purposes to benefit the residents of Fairfield County.
Nancy J. Moore – to benefit the residents of Fairfield County.
Ninety One: One Foundation Fund – For the purpose of benefiting the residents and organizations of Fairfield County.
Norman Family – For public, charitable and educational programs that will benefit projects in, and for the people of, Fairfield County.
Joe Ogilvie – To benefit Duke University, The Inner City Educational Foundation, and grants for educational endeavors in Fairfield County and elsewhere.
Lauryn "Lu" Oliphant Memorial Fund – To benefit Leukemia Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and OSU- The James.
William L. and Jo Ellen Parker Charitable – To provide funds to charitable organizations for charitable purposes.
Rodenbaugh Family – To provide funds for charitable purposes.
Wayne Roller Memorial Fund – To provide support for grants and scholarships for students, athletes, coaches, teams and officials.
Wanda Shaner Memorial – To provide grants and/or scholarships to benefit the residents in Fairfield County.
Brian Stoner Memorial – To provide funds to charitable organizations that are eligible to receive distributions. Preference for grants goes to organizations dealing with individuals with special needs. Preference for scholarships goes to individuals with autism, individuals with other special needs, individuals intending to major in special education, and individuals attending culinary school.
Tails and Trails Nature – To provide funds to parks, government entities, or non-profit organizations for projects to expand or maintain horseback riding activities. The trails must be within 5 miles of Fairfield County, Ohio.
Troup Family Fund – To provide funds for charitable purposes in Fairfield County.
Vonnie Cares Community Impact Fund – To provide grants to Fairfield County High School students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher for the purpose of funding a community project to strengthen community relations, to encourage giving and recognize the kindness of others.
Phil Walker Community – for public charitable and educational purposes to provide an ultimate benefit to the people of Fairfield County, Ohio or to other non-profit organizations at the discretion of the donors.
John and Jamie Weaver Fund – To make grants to Charitable Organizations for the purpose of benefiting the residents of Fairfield County and other charitable causes.
The Weiffenbach Family– To make grants to charitable organizations for charitable purposes.
Williamson Family – A family-directed fund that will provide funds for charitable purposes.
Larry E. Woods – To provide funds for public, charitable, and educational purposes.
Scholarship Funds
Scholarship funds help students pursue their academic goals. The donor may define the guidelines for the recipient, the advisory committee, the school and the award itself. Please see our scholarships page for details on how to apply. Not all scholarship funds are awarded every year.
Matthew Acton – To provide scholarships for senior golf athletes of any Fairfield County high school, Canal Winchester High School, Circleville High School, Logan Elm High School or Teays Valley High School. This scholarship is for any accredited college or vocational school.
The Anderson/Black/Community (ABC) Mini-Scholarship – To provide scholarships to two Bloom Carroll High School students, staff members, administrators, or retired staff members who had five years of service to the Bloom-Carroll Local School District to fund a Christian Mission Trip (CMT) or a Christian Mission Project (CMP).
Jon and Joni Anderson – to provide scholarships for Lancaster High School graduates who are pursuing post-secondary education in Engineering or Nursing and have community service experience.
Roger Anderson – For students residing in Jackson Township of Perry County and majoring in education or business.
James L. Barrett, M.D. – To provide scholarship assistance to graduates of a Fairfield County High Schools to attend the University of Cincinnati and major in computer science, geology, physics, chemistry, or mathematics.
Bashore College Trust Fund– To provide scholarships for Richland Township residents.
Paul D. Beck – Recipients must be a graduate of a high school located in Fairfield County, Ohio. Recipients must demonstrate academic ability and maintain a 3.5 GPA in high school and a 3.0 GPA in any undergraduate program.
Bloom-Carroll Alumni Scholar Athlete – For Bloom-Carroll High School graduates who participate in sports and also demonstrate academic excellence.
William W. Bolsen Memorial – To provide scholarships for graduates of the Ohio State School for the Blind who wish to work toward a degree from a technical, two-year or four-year college.
Marlowe Brainard – To provide a scholarship for students attending and graduating from Millersport High School who desire to continue their education in the field of arts or education.
Jean M. Burdette Memorial – For Lancaster High School graduates for study in the field of special education.
Glenn R. Burns Dental Education – For residents of Fairfield County who are seeking a degree in Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, or as an Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary.
Jack and Carol Burton Drugan Engineering Scholarship – For Pickerington Central seniors majoring in Engineering at an Ohio college.
James Caple – To provide scholarships for postsecondary studies for Fairfield County residents who pursue a course of study in classical vocal or instrumental performance.
Robert E. & Marion A. Carr – For Fairfield County residents who are pursuing a degree in the study of nursing and/or teaching/education.
Charles C. & Barbara Claypool – For students seeking educational opportunities in technical fields with a preference toward engineering. Preference given to the children of employees of Claypool Electric Inc. and students planning to attend Ohio Northern University.
R. Brian Cline – To provide scholarships to Fairfield County residents seeking a degree in Engineering from a state-supported school in Ohio.
Katie McKibben Coates Scholarship – to provide scholarships for post-secondary schooling to graduates of Millersport High School who are past members of the elementary, junior high school or high school student council and are in good standing with Millersport HS. Applicants must exhibit a variety of extracurricular activities, leadership skills, and commitment to the community.
Deputy Ethan Collins – To provide scholarships for Fairfield County students to attend an accredited school or academy in preparation for a career in law enforcement or continuing education in law enforcement.
Coney Memorial – For Fairfield Union High School graduates.
Susie McMackin Crook – Will be awarded to a student who has registered and been accepted at Lancaster Montessori School.
D.A.R.E. – Scholarship recipient shall be a graduating senior from Lancaster High School, William V. Fisher Catholic High School, or Fairfield Christian Academy and a graduate of the D.A.R.E. Program who desires to continue their education.
Davidson-J.C. Community Service – To provide scholarships to students of Fairfield County who demonstrate an interest in community service through volunteerism. Jaycees and relatives of current and former Jaycees will be given preference in determining recipients.
Elsie R. McClelland Davis Memorial – For graduates of Amanda-Clearcreek High School.
Jim DePietro – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for college students in the manner described: 1. Applicant must be a high school senior and a Lancaster Y Swim Team (LYST) swimmer. 2. LYST swimmer must have been a participant of the LYST program for at least two years prior to application. 3. Seniors wishing to apply will be asked to write an essay, using an essay prompt determined by the (active) LYST Parent Board Committee.
Frank Dillard Memorial/Standing Stone Bank – For graduates of Fairfield County high schools. Preference given to biological or legally adopted dependents of Standing Stone Bank employees. Weighted toward those who plan to major in business/finance at Ohio University Lancaster.
Charles E. Dupler – To provide financial assistance to Fairfield Union High School music and FFA students.
Chad Edwards Memorial – To provide scholarships for Fairfield County students to attend an accredited school or academy in preparation for a career in law enforcement or to further their career in law enforcement.
Leroy and Bernice Ellinger Memorial – For any graduate of a Fairfield County high school or any graduate from a high school in Worthington, Ohio. Preference will be given to a graduate of Lancaster High School. Applicant must be a college junior or senior with preference given to an accredited four-year college. Recipient must have at least a 2.75 GPA going into their junior year. There will be at least $4,000 awarded per year.
Fairfield County Educational Service Center Superintendent’s Scholarship – For students within Fairfield County based on academic achievement and school activities.
Fairfield County Medical Alliance Healthcare – For current residents of Fairfield County, graduates of Fairfield County high schools, or individuals employed in Fairfield County who are committed to pursuing a nursing career.
Fairfield Federal Ron Keaton – To provide scholarships for Lancaster High School senior varsity girls basketball players.
Fairfield Union Education Association – to provide scholarships for graduating seniors in good standing from Fairfield Union High School who are pursuing post-secondary education.
Amelia Fickel-Glenn Moodie – To provide scholarships for graduates of Perry-Southern Local School District. Special consideration given to graduates who are residents of the former New Straitsville School District. Selection shall be based on financial need. May be awarded for a four-year, two-year, vocational or technical college education.
George and Marilyn Finnen Education Scholarship Fund – To provide scholarships for Lancaster High School graduates majoring in the field of Education.
Wilfred and Una Fosnaugh Scholarship Fund – For residents of Fairfield County, Ohio pursuing a bachelor degree in Education at any accredited educational institution and is need based.
Foundation “45” – For graduating seniors of Logan High School who are in a college preparation program and will attend a two-year or four-year college/university program. It is in memory of Corey Kissling and Mark Potter.
Lynn and Lynda Freisner Fund – To award a scholarship annually to any student, Freshman through Graduate level, but only awarded for a single year for each student. Recipient must be a resident of Rushcreek Township or a member of Bremen Bethel Presbyterian Church (BBPC). In addition, recipient must be attending either The Ohio State University or Ohio University.
Bleu George Memorial Fund – to help maintain a memorial garden at Valley View Golf Club, as well as to provide scholarships to students who are graduating, or have graduated, from a high school in Fairfield County.
Lorelei Owen Gibbs – For residents of Fairfield County pursuing a university degree in elementary education or nursing.
Patricia Woodyard Gilmore Memorial Scholarship Fund – To provide educational scholarships for students who have graduated from a high school in Fairfield County and plan to attend a 4-year college or trade school program in Ohio.
Violet Grange #1949 – For students graduating from the Pickerington Local School District or any student who lives in the Pickerington Local School District but attends high school for the purpose of enrolling in a Vocational Agricultural program which is not available in the Pickerington schools.
The Jack Greathouse Gale Force Basketball Scholarship Fund – To provide educational scholarships for Lancaster High School seniors who were Boy’s Basketball players.
O.J. Green Memorial – To be used to provide scholarships to the most inspirational senior football player and to one senior art student at Canal Winchester High School.
Robert V. Grilli Memorial – To provide a scholarship for graduates of Lancaster High School and William V. Fisher High School who desire to continue their education in a collegiate and/or graduate institution.
Jacob Guisinger Memorial – To provide a scholarship for a graduate of Berne Union High School, a pay-to-participate scholarship for a Berne Union High School football player, a scholarship for the Fairfield County Youth Baseball or a scholarship for the Fairfield County Youth Football participant.
Nils Gustavson Scholar Athlete – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for a senior graduate of Lancaster High School meeting the following criteria: Recipient must be attending an Ohio school; recipient must be a student who, in the committee’s opinion, has a good academic standing and has displayed the qualities of a scholar athlete; and recipient should be involved in school athletics.
J. Jay Hampson – For students residing in Fairfield County and attending Ohio Northern University.
Paul E. Harper Memorial – For scholarships for Harper Operating Company employees, children of employees, and grandchildren of employees or to purchase 4-H animals from students at local fairs.
Doug Henwood Memorial – To provide scholarships to Lancaster High School graduates who participate in track and may be involved in track at the collegiate level.
William D. Hilyard Family – To be used to reward the outstanding senior music student of Fairfield Union High School. The award shall be known as the “Robert Trocchia Outstanding Music Student Award” given by the Family of William D. Hilyard.
Hocking Valley Dental Society Fund – To provide scholarships for students in dental hygiene or expanded function dental assisting. Students must be a graduate of a high school within the counties served by the Hocking Valley Dental Society – Fairfield, Perry, Hocking and Athens; a resident of one of these counties; or an employee of a dentist in the HVDS.
Billy J. Holbrook Memorial – For the non-typical Liberty Union-Thurston High School graduates.
Home School – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for college students in the manner described: 1. Applicant must be a home-schooled student 2. Applicant must be applying to attend a two- or four-year college.
Henry and Eleanor Hood Fund – To provide scholarship(s) to Fairfield County residents who are graduates of Lancaster High School, have completed the LHS STEM program, have been admitted to an accredited 4-year college or university with the intent to major in Engineering or Bio Medical Sciences.
Joseph and P.J. Hoover Family Trust – This fund is for the purpose of providing an educational scholarship for graduates of Fairfield Union High School for the study of art education or early childhood education.
Larry L. Hoover Memorial Scholarship – To provide scholarships to college juniors or seniors majoring in Agriculture or a field related to Agriculture.
Hutton Family Scholarship – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for the study of Nursing. The recipient shall be entering at least their Junior or Senior (year) in college and shall be a resident of Fairfield County.
Johns Family – For graduates of Amanda-Clearcreek High School.
Trevor and Violet Jones Memorial – For graduates of Millersport High School.
The Carolyn L. Joos Memorial Scholarship Fund – For an academic scholarship for Fisher Catholic High School students.
Robert Knisley Fire Service – For graduates of a Fairfield County high school who want to pursue a career in the fire service and are attending a college pursuing a fire science degree or a vocational school pursuing a state of Ohio certification in a fire or EMS field. Children of present/former Lancaster Fire Department members will be given preference and can be graduates of any high school.
Kenny Kosch Memorial – For graduates of Liberty Union School District who are seeking a degree or certificate from a trade school.
Keith A. Kumler Vocational – For Fairfield County students to attend an accredited vocational or technical school for study in the automotive field.
Norman A. Kushen Pay It Forward Scholarship – For deserving students who have been in custody of Fairfield County Job & Family Services, Child Protective Services, or who are currently in the custody of Fairfield County Job & Family Services or Child Protective Services.
Lancaster Athletic Booster Club - To provide annual scholarships for graduating Lancaster High School student athletes.
Lancaster Boys Soccer Booster Club – For providing scholarships to deserving Lancaster High School boys’ soccer seniors.
Lancaster Camp Ground Quality of Life – for the purpose of improving the quality of life for residents living on the Lancaster Camp Ground. The fund will help and help to defray costs in the following areas: Youth camps such as, but not limited to, church, 4-H, Boy and Girl Scouts, spiritual retreats, mission work, family camps, and life enrichment experiences for youth and adult residents.
Lancaster Community Chorus Scholarship – To provide scholarships for students majoring in Music Education, Music Therapy, or Music Performance. Students must be graduates of schools in Fairfield County or counties contiguous to Fairfield County.
Lancaster-Fairfield Chamber of Commerce – For students graduating from a Fairfield County high school.
Lancaster High School Band Boosters – Music scholarship for students graduating from Lancaster High School and who have been members of the Lancaster High School Instrumental Music Program.
Lancaster High School Class of 1957 Memorial – To provide educational scholarships for Lancaster High School graduates. Recipient must be currently enrolled in or have been accepted into a program leading to a bachelor’s or associate degree, demonstrate potential for high school or post-high academic achievement, and show financial need.
Lancaster High School Class of 1959 – This scholarship is for a senior graduate of Lancaster High School who meets the following criteria: 1. Recipient must not be a recipient of any other scholarship. FCF will confirm with LHS Guidance Department before actual selection of recipient. 2. Recipient must be attending any postsecondary education program and/or a traditional four-year college. This could include community college, liberal arts college, university, vocational school, trade school, institute of technology or professional school. 3. Recipient must be a student who, in the committee’s opinion, deserves assistance, even though they have not qualified for other scholarships. 4. Recipient should be involved in school and community activities.
Lancaster High School Class of 1964 – To provide educational scholarships for a senior graduate of Lancaster High School. Recipient must not be a recipient of any other scholarship at the time of application. Recipient must be attending any postsecondary education program and/or a traditional four-year college. This could include community college, liberal arts college, university, vocational school, trade school, institute of technology or professional school. 3. Recipient must be a student who, in the committee’s opinion, deserves assistance, even though they haven’t qualified for other scholarships. 4. Recipient should be involved in school and community activities.
Lancaster Junior Women’s Club – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships to support high school females in Lancaster entering their freshman year in an undergraduate college or university program who volunteer in their community in the following manner: Female living and attending high school in the city of Lancaster who is already accepted into an undergraduate degree program for the academic year immediately following completing her high school diploma. This would include home-schooled or any traditional high school program. Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Volunteers for a certified 501(C)(3) organization for a minimum 20 hours in the prior 12 months from submitting the application.
Lancaster Kiwanis Club – For students graduating from a high school located in Fairfield County, Ohio, or for graduates of a high school located in Fairfield County, Ohio.
Erik J. Landis Memorial – To provide scholarships for graduating seniors from Fairfield Union High School.
Jamey Landis Memorial – To provide scholarships to Fairfield County high school seniors who are participating in track, cross country or FFA.
Liberty Union Alumni Association– To provide scholarships for Liberty Union High School graduates.
Malinda Lifer – For recent graduates of Bloom-Carroll High School or Lancaster High School who plan to major in elementary education at Ohio University Lancaster.
Frank P. Maguire Scholarship Fund – To provide scholarships to students who graduate from a high school in Fairfield County, Ohio whose parent(s) served or are serving in the U.S. military.
Officer Brett Markwood – To provide scholarships for Fairfield County residents to attend a police academy, technical school for law enforcement training, or four-year college in a law enforcement-related field.
V. Ben Martin Scholarship Fund – For graduates of a Fairfield County high school who have been accepted to the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University.
Clark M. McGhee and Carol T. McGhee – For students possessing the following qualifications: The student is a child of a current employee of Westerman, Inc., provided such employee has been employed by Westerman, Inc., for at least 12 months prior to the date the scholarship application is received; the student has been a resident of Rushcreek Township for at least 12 months immediately preceding the date his or her scholarship application is received; the student is a graduate of Fairfield Union High School; or the student has been a resident of Fairfield County for at least 12 months immediately preceding the date his or her scholarship application is received.
Drummond, Strait & Fisher Mermgypsy Tattoo Art Scholarship – For graduating seniors of Lancaster High School who are majoring in Visual Arts (Fine Arts, Photography, Graphic Design, Ceramics, Illustration, Glass Blowing, etc.).
Kaleb Miller Memorial – for graduating seniors from Amanda Clearcreek High school who were involved in football, wrestling, or FFA and who will be attending a trade or vocational school after high school graduation.
Randy E. Miller – To provide financial assistance to Pickaway/Fairfield County students pursuing EMT/Firefighters degree/training or for a degree in music education.
Ruth E. Miller – For the purposes of providing an opportunity for a college and university education for persons from Lancaster and Fairfield County whose financial condition is such that they would not otherwise be able to procure a college or university education without the scholarship. Where possible, preference should be given to those applicants who have demonstrated the qualities of hard work, scholastic attainment, Christian moral values, and love of family and country.
Evelyn Mick Mills and Mary Ann Clover Scholarship – for New Lexington High School graduating seniors who will be attending a two or four-year college.
Marlo Mills Memorial Scholarship – For Bloom-Carroll High School graduating seniors who are residents of the Bloom-Carroll Local School District.
John Morrow Music Booster (Pickerington Music Boosters) – For Pickerington High School graduates who are members of the music program.
Mt. Pleasant Kiwanis – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for graduates of Fairfield County high schools or residents of Fairfield County who graduate from high schools outside the county in the manner described: 1. The high school and the school the student plans to attend must be accredited by the North Central Association, Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. 2. The student must be a graduating senior from a Fairfield County high school starting their freshman year of college and entering a school qualified under the criteria above. Current students or students formerly enrolled in a school of higher education are not eligible.
Elizabeth “Libby” Murry – Scholarship recipient shall be a graduating senior or graduate of Jonathan Alder High School, Plain City, Ohio. The recipient shall pursue a degree in the study of education and/or excel in the field of science. Awards may be made for any four-year or two-year accredited college.
Jaakko Naayers Award – for junior or senior high school students who have shown strong Christian character, have overcome challenges, and pursued academic and/or athletic excellence, regardless of their GPA, and have a desire to serve in the Christian Ministry by participating in a Christian Mission Trip (to be reviewed and accepted) or for use for further education upon review.
The Tammy Nusser Foundation – to support those individuals who have cancer, or their children, by awarding educational scholarships to Fairfield County high school graduates to help offset the cost of college expenses.
Roger Pedigo Memorial – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for selected high school seniors from Athens, Hocking, Vinton, Fairfield and Franklin counties who are furthering their education by attending Ohio University in the following manner: Applicants must have maintained a high school GPA of 3.0 or above, possess leadership skills and have participated in community service work. Special favor will be given to applicants whose families will exhibit financial hardship through the funding of their child’s furthering education.
Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce – to provide scholarships for Pickerington Local School District graduating high school seniors pursuing post-secondary education at any Ohio public institution of higher learning or at an Ohio trade/technical school; or for graduating high school seniors who are employed by a Pickerington Area Chamber member, or whose parents are employed by a Pickerington Area Chamber member, and are pursuing post-secondary education at any Ohio public institution of higher learning or at an Ohio trade/technical school.
Pickerington Public Library Volunteen – to provide scholarships to Fairfield County students graduating from an area high school and who serve as library volunteers.
Abby Janning Planisek Memorial – to provide scholarships for post-secondary education in Nursing. Candidates must be a graduate of a Fairfield County high school, be a resident of Fairfield County, or be working in Nursing in Fairfield County. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
William D. Queen – To benefit students from Fairfield Union High School. Special consideration is given to candidates majoring in math or computer sciences.
LaVerne Raab – For graduates of Fairfield County high schools for undergraduate tuition and expenses.
Stori Huston Raver – To provide scholarships for a graduating special education senior from Fairfield Union High School. The scholarship may be used for a two-year or four-year college, vocational school, technical school, apprenticeship or support upon entering the workforce.
Gladys M. Reber – Provide scholarships for students at the Maple Street United Methodist Church.
Kathleen Kaser Ridenour Memorial – To be used for the purpose of providing scholarships Perry county residents. Applicants must be 9th grade students at the Sheridan Middle School with career interests in becoming a teacher, to be used once they graduate high school and are enrolled in college.
Kathleen K. Ridenour Memorial - For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for Sheridan High School seniors with a 2.2 or higher GPA, who have obtained a letter of recommendation from a Sheridan High School teacher, and have completed the application fully.
Robert Rowles Family Fund – To provide educational scholarships for students who are residents of Fairfield County, who are graduates of Fairfield Union High School, are enrolled in a post-secondary program, and have a financial need which might keep them from otherwise attending college.
The Rushcreek Grange – Provide scholarships for graduates of Fairfield County high schools who are residents of Rushcreek Township for at least 12 months prior to application. The recipient must be alcohol, tobacco and drug free. May be awarded for any four-year, two-year or technical college.
Mollee J. Seifert – For graduating seniors from William V. Fisher High School and Lancaster High Schools seeking advanced education at an accredited institution.
Shaner-Wohrer Memorial – to provide scholarships to graduating senior girls’ volleyball students from Lancaster High School in Fairfield County for college or any trade or vocational school.
Shannon Family – Scholarships to Ohio University Athens and Ohio University Lancaster for graduates of Lancaster High School. Priorities given to students whose parents are deceased, single-parent families and low-income families.
Jack and Elsie Smith – For Fairfield Union High School graduates with special consideration given to residents of the former Pleasantville School District.
Johnathan Smith Lancaster Bingo – for children or stepchildren of those employed by Lancaster Bingo Company, Inc.
Sportsmen’s Environment & Conservation Association Kenny Stebelton Memorial Scholarship – For graduates of high schools in Fairfield County who are earning a degree involving conservation of natural resources, wildlife, and environment; enhancing and maintaining wildlife environment and habitat; forestry; or agriculture. Students must be their junior or senior year of a 4-year degree program or be in their second year of a 2-year program.
Russell N. & Clarice H. Stemen – Provide scholarships for post-high school students who are members of the Calvary United Methodist Church or the Bremen Bethel Presbyterian Church of Bremen, Ohio, for at least three years preceding their senior year in high school. Selection shall be based on financial need. May be awarded for a four-year, two-year vocational or technical college education.
Dr. Thomas E. Stenger – For the purpose of providing educational scholarships for college students in the manner described: 1. Applicant must be a graduate of William V. Fisher High School. 2. Preference given to a degree in the health care field. 3. Preference given to a student of good academic standing.
Ryan Stoneburner Memorial Scholarship Fund – To provide a scholarship(s) to Amanda- Clearcreek graduates pursuing a university degree in Physical Therapy.
Sophie Strong – To provide scholarships to female, graduating seniors who were members of the Amanda Clearcreek girls’ softball team in good academic standing and to female graduating seniors of other Fairfield County, Ohio high schools who were also members of their high school’s softball team in good academic standing.
Steven E. Svoboda Scholarship Fund – To provide educational scholarships for students pursuing a degree in the field of technology with special consideration given to students studying Engineering or Auto Mechanics.
Stream and Wetlands Foundation – For students pursuing a degree or certificate in an environmental, science-related field.
Darci Jo Stivison Travis –for graduates of Logan High School who are of good character, are attending a 2 or 4 year college or university, have involvement in school and community activities, and have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
Hannah E. Thrash – To provide scholarships to enhance excellence in music with an emphasis on voice. Eligible applicants must be a resident of Fairfield County and should have exhibited a preference for and an interest in vocal music by the applicant’s high school activities.
Andrew “Drew” Townsend-Engle Memorial Scholarship – To provide scholarships for senior choir students at Lancaster High School who have a passion for singing and performing.
Kenneth D. & Zita M. Trimmer – Twenty-five percent of this scholarship will help nursing students from William V. Fisher High School pursue a course of curriculum for a bachelor’s or associate degree in nursing in an approved nursing program. The remaining 75 percent will be used for graduates of William V. Fisher High School or Lancaster High School to pursue a bachelor’s degree, from any approved college or university, in business administration or a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard University.
Wilbur O. Turner and Anita M. Turner, and Mildred L. Hatter and Frank H. Hatter – Funds shall be used for scholarships and tuition assistance for graduates of Lancaster High School who attend seminary school or pursue a career in the medical profession.
D. Eugene Ward Memorial – The D. Eugene Ward Memorial Scholarship is for Fairfield Christian Academy seniors who are in the college preparation program who will attend a two or four year college/university program. Students will be chosen based on academic merit, high motivation, hard work, Christian moral values, love of family and country, and their contributions to their school and community.
Dr. Martha Gesling Weber – For Fairfield County high school graduates. Preference given to students enrolling at Bowling Green State University majoring in education with emphasis on course work leading to certification as a reading specialist.
Weis Family – For Fairfield County students who are attending Ohio University Lancaster for their first two years of college.
Chad Welch – For Liberty Union-Thurston High School students who have excelled in athletics and academics.
Dorothy J. and William W. Wharton – Scholarships for students graduating from Fairfield Union High School.
Chris White Memorial – To benefit graduates of Millersport High School.
Charles T. Wilkins – Scholarships for residents of the city of Lancaster or Fairfield County.
Edgar A. Work, Sr. – To benefit students of Fairfield County who will be attending the School of Engineering at Purdue University.
Rotary Scholarship Funds
In 1992, the Lancaster Rotary Club turned over the investment and administrative responsibility of the Rotary Scholarship Funds to the Fairfield County Foundation. The Lancaster Rotary Club is responsible for setting policy and maintains the selection process for the various Rotary scholarships.
David Boger Memorial – Lancaster High School graduates for study in the field of education.
Joseph A. Calandra Memorial – For Fairfield County students who are attending Ohio University Lancaster.
Eva G. Eyman – For Fairfield County graduates planning to attend Ohio University campus for undergraduate studies. Awards for post-graduate study outside the state of Ohio will be considered.
Bess H. Floyd Cultural Arts – For Fairfield County graduates to enhance excellence in music and the cultural arts.
Dr. Phil Floyd Dentistry – For Fairfield County graduates going into the field of dentistry, including dental hygiene.
Jerry Floyd Memorial – For Fairfield County graduates going into the field of architecture, landscape design or interior design.
Fannie M. Howe Nursing – For Fairfield County graduates going into the field of nursing.
Lancaster Rotary Club – For students graduating from a Fairfield County high school.
Dr. Paul & Mary Magnuson & Dr. Ron Beal – For Fairfield County graduates pursuing a professional degree in the field of medicine, dentistry, optometry or nursing.
Jim and Sarah Miller – For scholarships to students who have graduated from a high school in Fairfield County, Ohio; who have been accepted to, or are currently attending, Law School; and who can show proof of community service.
Nauman Sampson Wittenberg – For the purpose of providing scholarships to students who have graduated from a high school in Fairfield County and will be attending Wittenberg University. Said income shall be distributed for application toward the tuition and/or related educational expenses of scholarship recipients.
Pillar Family Scholarship – to provide scholarships for Fairfield County residents to attend college, a trade school, or trade program, preference given to adoptees and veterans.
Rodenbaugh Family – To provide funds for engineering scholarships.
George A. Sakas Memorial – For graduates of Fairfield and Perry Counties. Preference given to biological or legally adopted dependents of Sakas Inc. employees. For those who plan to major in mechanical engineering.
Ed Shrider- for graduates of a Fairfield County high school who are pursuing post-secondary education at a 2-year trade school, career center, technical or junior college.
Jacob Sims – For students who plan to attend Ohio University Lancaster their freshman year and are residents of Fairfield County.
Willard “Fuzz” Smith – For Fairfield County graduates attending Ohio University Lancaster. For the non-traditional student who may have attended college and dropped out, or for the mature student who now realizes that they need post-high school education to succeed in life.
Clarence & Edna Steenrod Optometry – For students starting optometry school.
Shelly Strigle Memorial – To partially cover tuition to attend William V. Fisher High School.
James & Viola Wayland – Students must be residents of Fairfield County at time of graduation and pursuing a degree in accounting or a computer-related field or may specify an undergraduate area of their choice.
Mindi Wendel Memorial Visual Arts – To provide scholarships for the recognition and furtherance of excellence in the visual arts in Lancaster and Fairfield County.
Field of Interest Funds
Set up a field of interest fund, describing the field as broadly or as narrowly as you wish. The more broadly you define your field of interest, the more flexible your gift will be.
B More Foundation – To benefit the residents of Baltimore, Ohio and surrounding areas.
B More Foundation Unrestricted Fund – To benefit the residents of Baltimore, Ohio and surrounding areas.
Ann Chess Fund – For the benefit of the residents of Fairfield County, Ohio with special consideration given to supporting the performing arts and exceptional opportunities that arise as reflected in the spirit of the following list of activities: 1. Organizations that support the arts, especially as expressed in music, theater, dance, art, and textiles. 2. Music programming, equipment, and education throughout Fairfield County schools. 3. Scholarships to students, graduating from a high school in Fairfield County, to study a major or minor in music, arts or theater, with special consideration to Wittenberg University applicants, Ann's alma mater. 4. Decorative Arts Center of Ohio. 5. Ohio University Lancaster Theater. 6. Lighthouse Women's Shelter
David & June Harcum Abuse Prevention – To provide funds for education and awareness of abuse prevention programs.
Access to Justice – To support projects that will initiate, increase, or improve direct services intended to meet the civil legal needs of indigent persons residing in Fairfield County, Ohio, giving preference to projects proposed by Ohio State Legal Services.
Amanda Clearcreek Education Support Foundation Fund – To fund projects and programs that will contribute to the achievement of the Amanda Clearcreek Education Support Committee’s mission of seeking to build and manage an education fund through community support for Amanda-Clearcreek.
Amy’s Army – To provide assistance for local families touched by cancer.
Hunter James Barber Memorial – To provide funds for pediatrics training and/or pediatric equipment for the Fire and EMS Departments in Fairfield County and Franklin County.
Alaina Boggs Memorial – The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to children and their families dealing with long-term illness and serious medical needs.
Brain Tumor Charities of Central Ohio – To provide research funding for the cause and cure of brain tumors. Will also provide assistance for brain tumor survivors as determined by the board of the BTCCO.
Alma S. Busby – To benefit elderly women and other senior citizens in the community.
A. A. Clark Pet Overpopulation – To provide a fund that will provide for a spay/neuter clinic for cats and dogs.
Community Love – To provide assistance to families in the Liberty Union-Thurston School District that are burdened by extraordinary costs and emotional stress due to a serious medical condition.
Allison Lynn Conover Memorial – to assist families and children from Pickerington, Ohio and surrounding communities.
Tyrone Conrad Memorial – To be awarded to an elementary special education student and a secondary special education student in Lancaster City Schools, including Lancaster City School students attending the Crossroads Center for Youth.
Janet S. Crist Memorial – To support funding for professional performing arts or other cultural/educational purposes.
George and Pam Daft – For public, charitable, and educational purposes to benefit the people of Fairfield County.
Davidson-J.C. Community Service – To assist nonprofit community service related organizations in meeting the needs of Fairfield County residents.
Fairfield County Diversity, Inclusion and Empowerment – To provide support for the purpose of fostering conversation, collaboration, and action to drive positive change in Fairfield County, Ohio.
Fairfield County Health Fund – For support and benefit of hospitals and other care organizations located in Fairfield County.
Fairfield County TB & Respiratory Disease – For tubercular and respiratory care or a scholarship for respiratory therapist.
Fairfield Riding Club – To benefit the youth of Fairfield County as determined by the selection committee.
FI Client Burial Assistance – The fund shall be used for the purpose of providing burial costs/expenses for clients currently serviced by Fairfield Industries up to $1,000 depending on fund availability and application criteria. Distributions from the fund will take place at least annually. The distribution criteria are the following: Resident of Fairfield County, enrolled in DD and eligible for services, no other funds available to meet difference due for burial, and 200 percent below federal poverty guidelines or IRS Form 433F showing inability to pay. Special consideration for contributions to FI and County Board. The program committee will review and recommend for FI Board approval based on a simple majority. If there is a relationship to an FI Board member, that member must abstain from the vote.
Friends and Families for Veterans – To provide for the transfer, management and distribution of funds as may be recommended by the Friends and Families of Veterans Group for the purpose of serving Veterans and their families in Fairfield County, Ohio.
Bud Goodman Memorial Youth – To be used to help with the education and furtherance of the Youth 4-H and FFA programs, with emphasis given to beef exhibitors.
Ward R. & Dorothy Delancy Halteman – To provide funds to assist residents of Fairfield County who are visually impaired, through services rendered by nonprofit agencies.
Hoyman Family Fine Arts – To support the arts, including painting, poetry and music.
Sherry Hubbard Technology – For the purpose of purchasing technology to support and enhancing speech, language, hearing and communication skills.
Kiwanis Club of Lancaster Endowment – to benefit charitable organizations as directed by the Kiwanis Fund of Lancaster, Ohio, Board of Directors.
Kiwanis Special Fund – For the benefit of the children of Fairfield County.
The Lancaster Public Education Foundation – Shall foster private sector support for initiative to improve the learning and academic achievement of all students of the Lancaster City Schools, Lancaster, Ohio; to enhance the leadership and educational capabilities of the administrators, teachers and staff of the Lancaster City Schools, Lancaster, Ohio; and advance improvements in the classrooms, schools and facilities of the Lancaster City Schools, Lancaster, Ohio.
Phillip A. Laessle & Grace Laessle Urology (Rotary) – To provide equipment and supplies for urology.
Steven D. Landis and Nancy L. Weidman Fund – for public, charitable and educational purposes as to provide a benefit primarily for the residents of Fairfield County.
Chloe Metzger – To support residents of Lithopolis, Ohio who do not have the means to pay to provide veterinary care for pets and other animals and to provide comfort animals for senior citizens and others in need of the same.
Gerhard F. Miller Memorial – For the purpose of supporting organizations or causes that serve those with developmental disabilities, such as Forest Rose School, Fairfield Developmental Disabilities, Fairfield Center for disAbilities and Cerebral Palsy, and the Sensory Trail, or to benefit individuals attending camp or participate in a field trip.
Michael S. Moyer – Distributions from this fund shall be made to the Fairfield County Humane Society and to Animal Rescuer’s Friend as long as they do not euthanize animals in their care.
Naumanator 4 Miler Fund – To better the lives of those in our community that are affected by disabilities.
Pickerington Education Foundation – To enrich, improve and support the total education of students of the Pickerington Local School District; to provide grants to teachers employed by Pickerington Local School District; to grant scholarships to students; to help achieve specific educational goals and purposes established by the Pickerington Board of Education; to enrich the curriculum, instruction and extra-curricular activities of the Pickerington Local School District.
Rainbow Alliance of Fairfield County – To advocate for the equal treatment and opportunities for all Lancaster residents regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
The Ryan Reeb Fund – For the purpose of spreading awareness of mental illness, rid its stigma, and educate to prevent suicide.
Reed Riegel Memorial Fund – To benefit organizations with a focus on school and sports-related causes and to provide scholarships for students who are active in or have participated in sports-related activities.
Ricketts-Brannon Foundation – to support public, charitable, and educational purposes and/or to aid residents of Fairfield County.
Rivet Society– for the benefit of putting on The Rivet Society’s events in Fairfield County, Ohio. The Rivet Society’s mission is to create opportunities for strong women to be empowered and to empower each other.
Rotary Club of Lancaster – For support of the Lancaster Rotary Club and their service projects for Fairfield County.
Edward N. Sands Memorial – To benefit the Museum in Baltimore, the Baltimore Community Chest, and any other charitable, scientific, educational and literary purposes for the community of Baltimore.
Sands Public Cemetery – for maintenance and upkeep of any public cemetery in Fairfield County, especially “smaller cemeteries” in need of repair.
Jessie J. Smith Christian Advancement Fund– For the advancement of Christianity, specifically among adolescents in the community.
Thurston High Heritage – For the benefit of the Thurston Museum and scholarships for Thurston-area students.
Kenneth D. Trimmer Endowment – the Kiwanis Club of Lancaster established this fund for the purpose of serving underprivileged children. They are the only entity empowered to authorize disbursements from this fund. All disbursements shall be for the benefit of underprivileged children.
Fred Van Buren Educational Assistance Project – To enhance the educational opportunities of middle school children in the Liberty Union-Thurston Local School District.
Barbara A. Webel Second Chance Animal – To provide a low-cost spay and neutering program and financial assistance to families unable to provide funds to care for their pets in need of medical or surgical treatment.
Women’s Giving Circle – To fund programs that support the Women’s Giving Circle’s mission of investing in hope and opportunity for youth and women in Fairfield County.
Elza and Christina Wears Barney’s Fund – For organizations which, at the sole discretion of the Trustees of the Fairfield County Foundation, best serve the protection, health and welfare of dogs and cats, including but not limited to the promotion and/or facilitation of pet adoptive services.
Young Professionals of Fairfield County Community – To support and monetarily assist various community endeavors to allow the next generation of givers to learn the importance of investing time and dollars into their community.
Designated Funds
Designated funds provide financial support for a specific area or support of a specific nonprofit organization.
250 Plates – To support the annual 250 Plates event in collaboration with Destination Downtown Lancaster.
Dr. Hubert & Pearl Amstutz – To benefit the Salvation Army and Maywood Mission.
The Denver and Peggy Anders – To provide support for the Bloom Baptist Church in Lithopolis, Ohio.
Berne Township Sugar Grove Development Committee – for the purpose of promoting tourism and business within the township with priority being given to upkeep and maintenance of the caboose.
Bremen Activities Committee – to provide resources to benefit the residents of Bremen and Rushcreek Township areas.
Bridging Fairfield County History – To restore and preserve the historical assets and rich heritage of Fairfield County.
Cochran Lighthouse Special Assistance – To be used only for medicines, dental and eye care expenses, and health and personal needs for clients and dependents of the Lighthouse.
Company Wrench Employee Care Fund – to provide assistance to Company Wrench employees who are experiencing a sudden, unanticipated financial burden resulting from a severe, overwhelming and unexpected event that is beyond their control.
Eberly Family Fund - to benefit children, students, veterans, and survivors of natural disasters both nationally and in Amanda Township.
Fairfield Heritage Association – Crist Trust – To be used to purchase items for the Georgian or Sherman House, properly identifying the donor.
Fairfield Heritage Association – Kindler Piano – For the maintenance and repair of the Mason Hamlin Grand Piano.
Susan Fowler Memorial – To be used in support of the Lancaster High School Music Department as a memorial to Susan Fowler.
Cyrus Fulton – To be used solely to enhance and carry on the annual track and field event known as the Fulton Relays for purchase of uniforms, warm-ups, shoes and related items to be used by the Lancaster track team.
Glaab FAHS Spay Neuter – To provide funds to the Fairfield Area Humane Society to provide spay and neutering for FAHS animals.
Helen Hedges and Golda Hedges – One-third to Helen Hedges and Golda Hedges Memorial Scholarship to be distributed by the First Presbyterian Church in accordance with the recommendations of its Education Committee. One-third to Helen Hedges, Golda Hedges and Esther Hedges Strickland Scholarship in the Endowment Fund of the Alumni Association of Amanda-Clearcreek High School. One-third for the benefit of the residents of the Village of Amanda and Township of Amanda to be used for educational, cultural and charitable purposes, including promotion of safety and health care through such programs as training for paramedics.
Heiber Family – To be used for public, charitable and education purposes to provide an ultimate benefit to the residents of Fairfield County.
Ruth Jones Memorial – to be used to fund youth-related programs and projects undertaken by the Lithopolis United Methodist Church.
Lancaster Athletic Booster Scholarship and Capital Improvement – For scholarships for Lancaster High School student athletes and capital projects to support related athletic programs requested by Lancaster City Schools or Lancaster Athletics.
Lancaster Performing Arts Consortium – For support of the Lancaster Performing Arts Consortium and its mission to nurture community, cultural and economic development, bringing people together in vibrant art programs and educational experiences.
Jim and Jean Luse – For public, charitable, and educational purposes as to provide a benefit to the residents of Fairfield County.
Mary Ann’s Art Cart – For crafts and project supplies as requested by the director of the YMCA preschool program.
Bill and Jo Meyer Family Fund – For public, charitable and educational purposes with special consideration given to the United Way of Fairfield County and The Lancaster Festival.
Martha Miller Fund – For the purpose of providing scholarships for YMCA gymnasts who have financial hardship or extenuating circumstances as determined by the committee.
Grace Ray Moon Memorial Tree – To perpetuate tree planting in public areas of the city of Lancaster.
Mowry Family – for public, charitable, and educational purposes to provide an ultimate benefit to the people of Fairfield County, with preference given to Bremen and Rushcreek Township.
Constance Marshall Norris – For the benefit and humane care and treatment of small animals; for spaying and neutering small animals through the Fairfield County Humane Society; and for scholarships for Fairfield County students studying veterinary medicine or other educational fields specializing in the care and treatment of small animals.
North School – Shall be used for scholarships to be awarded to former students of North School Elementary, and to update and maintain the playground equipment and surrounding grounds at the current North School location.
Not Coming Down – For the purpose of benefiting churches in the area and supporting Christian values.
Peters Planetarium Preservation – To support the Peters Planetarium preservation including the moving of the planetarium, purchase of new equipment, upgrading current equipment, and the future cost of running the planetarium.
Pickering House – For the benefit of the FairHoPe Hospice Pickering House.
Pine Grove Host – To benefit Amanda-Clearcreek School District.
Cheryl L. Robinson – To provide financial assistance to the staff and students of Millersport Schools, Walnut Township School District, Millersport, Ohio.
Joseph D. Rockey Cannon – To provide funds for the preservation of the Rockey Cannon.
Thomas and Susan Saddler – to provide support to organizations, charities, and individuals primarily in the Lancaster, Ohio and Fairfield County areas for medical, religious, historical and educational endeavors.
Jay Scholl, Jr. Fair Showmanship Awards – To support the Junior Fair Board and the Fairfield County Fair Board by providing income for Junior Fair awards to 4-H or FFA members, with emphasis on beef showmanship.
General William T. Sherman Statue Maintenance – This fund was established in 2004 for the upkeep, maintenance and repair of the General William T. Sherman Statue, lighting, flagpole and plaque.
Patrick and Brenda Smith – For public, charitable, and educational purposes and to provide assistance to the residents of Fairfield County.
Dr. Thomas E. Stenger Lancaster Festival – To provide support for the continuation and enhancement of the Lancaster Festival.
Swinehart – to provide support for public, charitable, and educational purposes as to provide a benefit to the residents of Fairfield County and/or surrounding counties.
Fran Taylor Fund – to support women entrepreneurs, artists, and community nonprofits.
Frances & George Utley Children’s – To provide footwear or medicine for kindergarten to sixth grade children from low-income families who attend accredited, public schools in the Lancaster, Amanda Clearcreek, Berne Union, Bloom Carroll, Fairfield Union, Liberty Union, and Walnut Township school districts.
Frances & George Utley Georgian – For furniture acquisition at the Georgian Living History Museum.
Violet Cemetery Association Investment – To provide for the transfer, management and distribution of funds as may be recommended by the Violet Cemetery Association for the support of the Violet Township Cemetery, Fairfield County, Ohio.
Wagner Barn Fund – for the purpose of maintaining and preparing the Wagner Barn for the tentative move to Liberty Union School property.
Fred, Mary and Silas Wilson Memorial – To provide yearly grants to the following charitable organizations: 25% to St. Paul's Lutheran Church Cemetery, North Berne, for repair and maintenance of the cemetery, 25% to Salvation Army, Fairfield County and 25% to benefit Public Broadcasting through WOSU and NPR, Columbus, Ohio and WOUB, Athens, Ohio.
Zane Square – To benefit the downtown park area at Main & Broad Streets.
Unrestricted Funds
Unrestricted funds are not designated for a particular nonprofit, cause or area of interest. Our Board of Trustees oversees the use of these funds, setting priorities and determining how grants will be distributed. Unrestricted funds give us the flexibility to respond to the most pressing needs in the community.
Fairfield County Foundation Ambassadors’ Club – An auxiliary group formed to help interpret the Foundation’s role and increase its visibility in the community. Funds used to promote the Foundation.
Patricia A. Beam Endowment – For the benefit of the residents of Fairfield County, Ohio with special consideration given to the following organizations: Lancaster Chorale, Lancaster Festival, Maywood Mission, Robert K. Fox Family Y - Wellness Center and Robert K. Fox Family Y - Wendel Pool.
James H. Bowen Fund – To benefit the residents of Fairfield County.
Fairfield County Foundation Community Impact Fund – To enable the Foundation to respond to changing community needs, support innovative solutions to community problems, and enhance the quality of life in Fairfield County.
Jerry and Janet Nauman Foundation Fund – To support the continuing needs of Lancaster and Fairfield County.
Richard L. Roundhouse – To further charitable causes in Fairfield County.
Robert A. Schatz – To provide support for community need in Lancaster and Fairfield County.
Pickering Family – to provide funds for charitable purposes in Fairfield County.
Wendel Family – To be used for the benefit of residents of Fairfield County for cultural and civic projects.
George and Dollie L. Zimpfer Memorial – Shall provide support for continuing needs in the Lancaster and Fairfield County community.
AGENCY funds
This type of fund is established by a charitable organization in order to protect the organization’s monies and to enhance its investment returns. Gifts may be added to these funds by anyone at anytime. Agency Funds hold assets for a charitable organization and distribute the principal and/or income in accordance with the agency’s specific instructions.
4-H Fairfield County Foundation – Shall be used for unrestricted support of the charitable or educational purposes of the Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Program.
After School Programs Fund – This fund shall be used as a way for individuals to contribute to legacy giving and for support of quality afterschool learning for students in the Lancaster community.
AHA! A Hands-On Adventure Program – To support AHA! A Hands-On Adventure, A Children’s Museum.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Agency – To provide additional operating funds.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fairfield County Endowment – To benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fairfield County.
Bottoms Up Diaper Bank Support – to support the mission of the Bottoms Up Diaper Bank.
Bremen Area Historical Society – To provide support to the Bremen Area Historical Society.
Bremen-Bethel Presbyterian – to provide support for purpose(s) related to the mission of the Bremen-Bethel Presbyterian Congregation, Scioto Valley Presbytery, Synod of the Covenant or General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, USA, as determined by the Session (Governing Body) of the Bremen-Bethel Presbyterian Church.
Buckeye Lake Region Community Foundation – To provide financial assistance needed by the Buckeye Lake Region Corporation to coordinate, manage and execute initiatives that support the Buckeye Lake 2036 Vision and the Buckeye Lake Region Declaration.
Canal Winchester Area Historical Society Endowment – For support of the Canal Winchester Area Historical Society.
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio Endowment – To carry out DACO’s mission, which is to foster knowledge, enjoyment and appreciation of the decorative arts and to celebrate the architecture and heritage of the Reese-Peters House by providing programs, exhibitions and arts education for all ages.
Fairfield Affordable Housing Program – To provide annual grants to support youth housing, including rent, utilities, furniture, and appliances, via agencies in support of local youth.
Fairfield Area Humane Society Endowment – For the support of the Fairfield Area Humane Society.
Fairfield Christian Academy – to enrich, improve and support the education of students of the Fairfield Christian Academy; to advance improvements in the classrooms, schools, and facilities of the Fairfield Christian Academy; to grant scholarships to students of the Fairfield Christian Academy; and to help achieve specific educational goals and purposes established by the Fairfield Christian Academy School Board.
Fairfield Community Health Center Service Fund – To provide access to patient-centered health care for all.
Fairfield County 2-1-1 Connection – to provide support for Fairfield County 2-1-1.
Fairfield County 2-1-1 Endowment – to support Fairfield County 2-1-1 in its mission to strengthen access to services and enhance community collaboration by serving as the connection between people in need and resources available.
Fairfield County Fairground Log Cabin Improvement and Maintenance – To benefit the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.
Fairfield County Fairgrounds Christmas Lighting – To benefit the Fairfield County Fairgrounds’ activities.
Fairfield County Foundation Endowment – For the purpose of support for the Fairfield County Foundation.
Fairfield County Park District – For general support purposes of the Fairfield County Park District and its affiliated agencies.
Fairfield Heritage Association Operating Endowment – To be used at the direction of the governing board of the Heritage Association.
Fairfield Heritage Trail – For the benefit of the Fairfield Heritage Trail Association.
Fairfield Land Preservation Endowment – For general support of the charitable or educational purposes of the Fairfield Land Preservation Association and its affiliated agencies.
Fairfield Union Charitable Trust – To serve the residents and students of the Fairfield Union School District.
FairHope Fund – The purpose of this fund is to provide current income and long-term support for the operation and programs of FairHoPe Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc.
FairHope Hospice & Palliative Care Endowment Fund – For end-of-life care projects.
Family Y Endowment – To be used exclusively for the Family Y at the direction of the Y Executive Committee.
Family Y Unrestricted – For the benefit of the Family Y of Lancaster, Ohio.
Friends of Michael Davis Memorial – For the purpose of providing annual fellowship positions in the Lancaster Festival Orchestra.
Friends of the Lancaster Parks and Recreation Endowment – The benefit and support of the charitable or educational purposes of Lancaster Parks and Recreation and its affiliated agencies.
Geneva Hills – to support the continued operation of Geneva Hills Day Camp, Summer Camp, Christian Retreats, and Nature Education for all God’s children in a healthy outdoor environment.
Good Neighbors in the Village Endowment and Program – To provide resources for projects and programs that allow the organization to respond to the needs of persons in northern Fairfield County who are marginalized by age, medical condition, disability, food insecurity, or other life issues.
Habitat For Humanity of Southeast Ohio Endowment – Endowment fund to receive donations from the general public.
Harcum House Agency – To provide additional operating funds for Harcum House.
Harcum House Endowment Fund – For support of Harcum House and its mission.
David L. Johns Lancaster Festival Capital Improvement – Established in 2010 for the purpose of providing support for capital expenditures of the Lancaster Festival.
Lancaster Camp Ground Endowment Fund – To provide financial aid and stability for the Lancaster Camp Ground’s present and future purposes, objectives, programs and expansion. The goals of the fund are to provide funds to solve special problems or carry out special projects which strengthen, extend and develop the Lancaster Camp Ground’s mission.
Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Agency Endowment – To be used for general support of the Community Action Program Commission of the Lancaster-Fairfield County Area, Inc.
Lancaster Fairfield County Charity Newsies Nauman – To provide funds designated for the support of the Lancaster Fairfield County Charity Newsies.
Lancaster Festival – For support of the Lancaster Festival as approved by the Lancaster Festival Board.
Lancaster Fresh Local Food – To support the operations of Lancaster Fresh Market, Inc., which includes the Keller Market House and Lancaster Farmers Market.
Lighthouse – To support The Lighthouse, its staff, and its residents, and to be a benefit to Fairfield County.
Lithopolis United Methodist Church Endowment – To be used solely for purposes determined by Lithopolis United Methodist Church.
Live United Program Fund –To fund programs that will contribute to the achievement of United Way’s Bold Goals in the areas of Education, Income, and Health.
Meals on Wheels Fairfield County Fund – To fund programs that will contribute to the achievement of Meals on Wheels of Fairfield County.
Mt. Pleasant Lighting Maintenance Fund – For the benefit of maintaining the lighting of Mt. Pleasant, Lancaster, Ohio.
New Horizons Youth and Family Center Endowment – For the unrestricted support of the charitable or educational purposes of New Horizons Youth and Family Center and its affiliated agencies.
The Ohio Glass Museum – Shall be used for the support of the operations of The Ohio Glass Museum.
Olivedale Foundation – For the purpose of the maintenance, upkeep and beautification of Olivedale Senior Center and Park.
Olivedale Senior Citizens of Fairfield County Fund – For the purpose of enriching the lives of members through connection and activities.
Pickerington Public Library – To provide support and perpetuate the Pickerington Public Library for the use and benefit of the citizens of the Pickerington Local School District and to recognize library volunteers.
Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society – To support the operations of the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society and Museum.
Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society Endowment – To provide for the transfer, management and distribution of funds as may be recommended by the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society and Museum.
Pickerington Youth Athletic Association, Inc. Capital Improvements – For capital improvements to benefit the Pickerington Youth Athletic Association.
Recovery Center Legacy- to enhance the efforts related to the treatment, intervention, and prevention of a broad spectrum of substance and mental issues impacting Fairfield County residents, their families, and friends. In addition, these funds will be used to improve accessibility to the Fairfield County community through technology advances, behavioral health curriculum and training and enhancing the positive environment of The Recovery Center campus.
Recovery Center Life- to enhance the efforts related to the treatment, intervention, and prevention of a broad spectrum of substance and mental issues impacting Fairfield County residents, their families, and friends. In addition, these funds will be used to improve accessibility to the Fairfield County community through technology advances, behavioral health curriculum and training and enhancing the positive environment of The Recovery Center campus.
St. John’s Episcopal Church Mithoff – To provide financial aid and stability for St. John’s Episcopal Church for present and future purposes, objectives, programs and expansion.
Trinity United Church of Christ Capital Campaign – The fund shall be used for the expansion and future projects of Trinity United Church of Christ.
Trinity United Church of Christ Fundraising – The fund shall be used for special projects and to offset expenses incurred by the general fund.
Trinity United Church of Christ Memorial – The fund shall be used as designated by deceased’s family or by Trinity United Church of Christ.
United Way of Fairfield County Campaign Endowment Fund – To provide an annual gift to the United Way of Fairfield County’s Annual Campaign.
United Way of Fairfield County Investment Fund – To serve as an agency Emergency Reserves fund and to support the growth and prosperity of the United Way of Fairfield County.
United Way of Fairfield County - Sherry Orlando Endowment – To provide income for an annual gift to the United Way of Fairfield County’s Annual Campaign and to United Way of Fairfield County.
Unrestricted Festival Fund – To fund programs that will contribute to the achievements of the Lancaster Festival.
Victoria Opera House Fund – To support the operation, renovation, restoration and/or land acquisition to further the mission of sustaining the last historic opera house in Fairfield County.
Wagnalls Memorial Library – To support the needs of The Wagnalls Memorial Library community by providing programs, services, and materials for all generations.
Raymond Wilkes Young Artist Fellowship – For the purpose of providing an annual fellowship in the Lancaster Festival Orchestra to an outstanding young musician in honor of the late Dr. Raymond Wilkes.
Special Project Funds
This type of fund is established so that the Foundation can partner with an organization on a short-term charitable project.
All Accessible Sport Complex & Park Fund – For the purpose of establishing a ball field that can be used by children and adults with disabilities as well as the community at-large.
Fairfield 33 Development Alliance – For the support of the Fairfield 33 Development Alliance.
Fulton Stadium Turf Fund – For the purpose of purchasing and installing artificial turf at Fulton Field, Lancaster, Ohio.
Merchant Marines Memorial Project – To benefit the Merchant Marines Memorial Project at Veteran’s Park in Zane Square, Lancaster, Ohio.
Rotary Club of Lancaster Playground – for the benefit of the construction of a playground at Miller Park, Lancaster, Ohio.
Salvation Army Hope Marches On Campaign- to support the construction and operation of the Salvation Army’s new facility at 2296 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, Ohio.
Save the Fairground’s Old Grandstand – For the purpose of preservation of the Fairfield County Fairground’s old grandstand.
Scipio Smith Statue – for the benefit of building a Scipio Smith statue in Downtown Lancaster, Ohio.
Sensory Trail – For the purpose of building and maintaining a Sensory Trail near Forest Rose School that can be used by children and adults with disabilities as well as the community at-large.
Stenger Tuition Assistance Fund – For the purpose of providing tuition assistance for students attending William V. Fisher Catholic High School.
Stoutsville Community Park – For the purpose of developing a park for the benefit of the residents of Stoutsville, the surrounding areas, as well as the community at-large.