Frequently Asked Questions 

Scholarship FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

The Fairfield County Foundation scholarship application for the 2025-2026 academic year will be open from December 1, 2024 - March 7, 2025. No changes or late submissions can be made after the deadline. Reviews will begin and decisions will be made starting in late April through early June. Not all decisions are released at the same time. Scholarship award offers will be made via the email address used for the application and will require follow up.

CLICK HERE to access the scholarship application portal and check the status of your application.

The Fairfield County Foundation now uses Foundant Technologies as the software for the online scholarship application. Please review these general tutorials provided by Foundant prior to registering and starting the application. Once clicking the link scroll to the section titled, "SLM Applicant Tutorial - Universal Application (Legacy Dashboard)" to view each section. 

Before you begin filling out the general application and along the way we have several tips to assure that you are providing the correct information and maximizing your efforts.  This is also a great time to create your list of activities during the past few years (teams, clubs, leadership roles, awards, recognitions, volunteering).  Be sure to attend your high school’s financial aid night for information about the Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) and other helpful information to get you ready for college costs.

Signing in

To sign in to the application, you will need an email address and you will have to create a password. Do not use your high school provided email address. Use an email address you will check often and maintain after high school as all of our communications and awarding are done via email.  Email addresses provided by your high school have higher security settings and may reject messages from our system. You also will not likely be able to maintain access to it after graduation. Please write these down and keep in a safe place.  You must use the same email and password every time. This email and password can also be used every year when you come back to apply again. 

Failed Attempts to log in: After 15 failed attempts to log in, you will be locked out. You will need to reset your password using the “forgot your password” option on the log in screen. It will then email you a link to reset. These links are only valid for up to twenty-four hours after being sent so be sure to go in and reset your password in that time frame. 

Can I complete one application (including a transcript, FAFSA information, personal statement) to apply for more than one scholarship listed?

Yes! You may be able to apply for several scholarship opportunities by completing one form. Some scholarships may require additional information and separate letters of recommendation, so make sure to read the brief information about each scholarship. AFTER submitting the universal application, the system will guide you through which scholarships you MAY be eligible for that require additional information. You can answer the questions to apply or click abandon request. A step by step guide is provided by clicking here

What are supplemental questions and how do I answer them?

Some scholarship opportunities require more specific information than is asked on the general application. These might be short essays, letters of recommendation or other specific criteria for applying. These questions are first presented on the confirmation page immediately after you submit the general application, however you can also access them from your scholarship portal dashboard at any time following submission of the general application. Please review this document for detailed directions on answering supplemental questions. If you have further questions about this process, please contact a Program Officer for assistance.

Can I preview the questions on the application without creating a log on?  

Yes, you can use this link to preview the application before creating a log on and starting the application process. This preview will show all universal application questions and all supplemental questions. That means if you do not qualify for certain scholarships based on your answers on the universal application, then you will not need to answer all the supplemental questions or request supplemental letters of reference. All letters of reference are supplemental questions and scholarship specific. The general application no longer requires any letters of reference.

Do I have a better chance if I fill my application out sooner?

No, our scholarships are based on various requirements, but they are not first come first serve so please take your time filling out the application. It is more important that you provide the correct information and submit it before the deadline than to be the first application submitted. We do provide a preliminary review process for applications submitted by Friday, February 14, 2025 and details on that procedure can be found below.     

My computer won’t let me enter or re-enter my scholarship application.  Can you help?

If you cannot enter at all, your computer may be blocking ‘pop ups’.  This may be shown as a message along the top or bottom of your monitor screen.  Usually, it will give you a button or words to click to temporarily ‘enable’ or ‘allow’ the pop up to proceed. We use Foundant Technologies as our Scholarship Management Software. You may need to go to your computer’s Control Panel and enter the Internet Options.  In the Privacy section, uncheck the ‘Pop up Blocker’ box.  The online scholarship application is located on a different website, which may trigger the message from your internet service provider.  

How can I scan and attach documents to my online application?

Here are some troubleshooting tips based upon calls we have received from students:

Jot down where your computer is saving scanned documents by watching the monitor when you are scanning. It will briefly show which folder is receiving scans. When you are in the online scholarship application, click the “Upload a file” button (located at various points in the application), which opens your computer’s file finder. You will need to find the folder inside your computer where scans have been saved, find the correct file, and click it to attach it to the application.  If you are having difficulty replacing a document you have already attached to the online application, try saving the new document with a new file name and then attaching the newly named file.

What if I don’t have a scanner to scan and upload my support documents?

You may want to seek assistance from a relative, friend, working professional or counselor who may have access to a scanner. The acceptable file formats are Word Documents and PDF for attachments. You may also download a free PDF converter on your computer, which converts any saved document to a PDF format for easy uploading to your application. Recommended websites are or Other document types create issues for reviewers to open and may lead to your application being disqualified because documents cannot be opened.

Additionally, most documents required for upload can be done as a screenshot or “print to pdf” without the need to scan. A simple Google search will provide detailed descriptions of these two processes.

What happens to my application if I am missing an attachment?

Your application will be marked incomplete and it will not be sent to the selections committee.  The deadline is a hard deadline and no documents will be accepted after that date.  We are not responsible for misdirected emails that do not arrive if you require a third party to upload a document to your application.  It is your responsibility to check your application in advance of the deadline to ensure it is complete and all required documents are included. You can view each attachment you have uploaded after the application has been submitted by clicking “application packet”. We highly recommend doing so to assure it uploaded properly and is the intended document. Be sure to double check that all your references are submitted if any additional were required. The general application no longer requires letters of reference, but a few specific scholarships still require them to apply.

If you are a high school student, it is your responsibility to assure that your transcript is uploaded by your counselor prior to the deadline. You will not be able to view the document, but you will be able to see if it has been submitted by logging back into your online portal. If either you or the counselor are having issues, please contact our office prior to the deadline.    

Which FAFSA page should I send with my scholarship application?

Please submit a screenshot showing your Student Aid Index (SAI) number. You may also use the Electronic FAFSA Submission Summary or Confirmation Page (shows your SAI number) once that becomes available. Apply for your number at Your SAI must be for the current 2025-2026 school year. It must show either your name or the last four digits of your social security number for identification purposes. You do not need to provide all of the pages. Please make sure your upload is either a word or pdf document. Click here for an example SAI page.

Must I submit an ‘official’ transcript?

For the 2025-2026 school year we are no longer requiring an “official” transcript. However, your transcript must include your name, school, most recent semester grades, cumulative GPA, and all identifying information. You must then upload it online with your application if you are a current college student. Some schools can take several days/weeks to process your transcript request, so be sure to make that request well in advance of the scholarship deadline. Please make sure your upload is either a word or pdf document. If you request an official electronic copy, please be sure to review the stipulations, some expire after a certain period of time or cannot be uploaded to a third party site. Your transcript will need to be viewed well after the deadline by review committees. Be sure to review all limitations prior to ordering an electronic transcript.

Current high school students will enter their counselor’s email so that the counselor can upload the transcript for them. Be sure to check that you have your counselor’s correct email. Also, before the deadline make sure to check that your counselor has SUBMITTED your transcript. It is your responsibility to make sure it is uploaded and your application will be incomplete without it.

What is acceptable for Cost of Attendance document?

This document should display the name of the school you wish to attend as well as the specific cost for tuition. It can be the cost as of last year since some schools won’t have the next years posted before the deadline. If the school name is listed in the web address that is acceptable as well. The document can be printed to a PDF from the website or saved as a screenshot and pasted into a word document. If you need assistance finding the cost, creating the document, or if you have questions about what is acceptable please contact our office and we will assist you to the best of our ability. This document includes examples of acceptable documents as well as ones that would disqualify your application.

If I applied last year, do I need to have new reference letters for this year?

Yes. If a scholarship that you are eligible to receive requires a letter(s) of reference you will need to request new letters. Your letters from previous years will no longer be active on the current application. We recommend asking new people but it is not required. At the very least they should update their letter from last year with current information and dates. You will need to enter their email address again for this year and they will need to upload the file.

Why aren’t my references receiving the request? 

The online system will generate an email based on the submitted email address. It is possible that the address was not entered correctly into the system. Another possibility is that the email was diverted into a Spam or Junk inbox.   

We suggest you contact your references to inform them that they will receive an email requesting a letter of recommendation. If you need to change the email address of the reference and you have already submitted your application you will need to contact our Senior Program Officer, or Program Officer, for assistance.

Can I request more than two letters of reference?

No. The software we are currently using will only allow you to enter one email per request. Once you have submitted the application you cannot change the information entered for your third-party request. If you need to change the email address of the third-party and you have already submitted your application you will need to contact our Senior Program Officer, or Program Officer, for assistance.

How can I tell if my third-party requests (high school transcript or letters of reference) have been submitted?

On your application, once you have sent the request to the third-party it will list the status under the question. Once it has been received the box will provide information of when the document was submitted. Be sure to check this area often. It is your responsibility to make sure that your references have submitted their letters prior to the deadline date. Your application will be considered incomplete if the uploads are missing. This document illustrates how to find that information on the portal once your application has been submitted.

Eligibility Requirements

Do all scholarships have the same eligibility requirements?

No. Each scholarship has specific eligibility requirements that were defined by the donor when the scholarship was established.  Eligibility requirements are stated for each individual scholarship, so be sure to read the requirements carefully.

Can I apply for a scholarship if I don’t know where I’ll be going to school?

Yes. If you don’t know which school you’re going to attend, you can still apply for most Fairfield County Foundation scholarships. You are encouraged to list your first-choice and use that school throughout the application. At the end it will give you an option to list permissions for other schools and you can list your following choices. If you are undecided please be sure to address that in your essay so the reviewers are aware there may be a change.

I don’t have the best grades. Can I still be considered for a scholarship?

Yes. Some of the scholarships take grades into consideration, but other scholarships emphasize alternate areas of performance such as leadership, community service and other extra-curricular activities. Good grades are not always the only requirement for scholarship support.

Do you have scholarships available for graduate students?

Yes! You would be eligible for any scholarship that does not specify otherwise. Some examples of ones that you would not qualify for would state graduating high school senior, four-year, two-year vocational or technical college education.

Click here for a listing of scholarships for applicants who are attending graduate or medical school. Applicants may be eligible to apply if they meet the additional criteria listed.

I’m planning to go to trade school, not college. Can I still apply for a scholarship?

Yes. Several scholarships are for students planning to attend a technical school, trade school, or participate in an apprenticeship. Please complete the General Application/Student Profile and review the eligibility requirements under Recommended Opportunities.

Click here for a listing of scholarships for applicants who are attending trade school. Applicants may be eligible to apply if they meet the additional criteria listed.

I haven’t decided what my major is? Should I leave it blank?

No. You should pick “Other” then type in “undecided”.

Can I apply for more than one scholarship?

Yes. You can apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible for but please carefully read the eligibility requirements of each scholarship that you’re applying for.

Why are there supplemental questions?

The main application will ask general questions that qualify applicants for a majority of our scholarship opportunities, however some scholarship have very specific criteria that does not apply to the majority, so we ask some further (supplemental) questions to determine if you qualify for additional opportunities we offer. Some of these questions may also help identify if you meet a preference for an opportunity. Please read the questions carefully before submitting or declining the opportunity.

When can I apply for a scholarship?

You may apply for scholarships as a high school senior and beyond. You can apply for any year you are in higher education, graduate school, trade school, vocational school, etc. Please reach out if you have any questions about your eligibility.

What’s the deadline for applying?

The deadline for applying for the 2025-2026 school year is March 7, 2025 11:59 p.m. and all required documents must be electronically submitted by the given date.

Do I need to apply again this year if I received a scholarship last year?

YES! Even if you have received a scholarship in the past, you MUST apply each year to be considered for scholarships in the upcoming school year.


I’m planning to go to trade school, not college. Can I still apply for a scholarship?

Yes. Several scholarships are for students planning to attend a technical school, trade school, or participate in an apprenticeship. Please complete the General Application/Student Profile and review the eligibility requirements under Recommended Opportunities.

Click here for a listing of scholarships for applicants who are attending trade school. Applicants may be eligible to apply if they meet the additional criteria listed.

Application Review


If your application is fully submitted by Friday, February 14, 2025 the staff will review your application for completeness and email you with any issues by March 1, 2025 so that you can correct any problems before the final deadline on Friday, March 7, 2025. You will not receive an email if everything is filled out correctly.

Who makes the award decisions?

Each scholarship has its own committee of volunteers who read and evaluate each application. Some scholarship committees exist at the high school level, some are at specific colleges and other selection committees are Fairfield County Foundation volunteers.  Each selection committee makes its decisions based on the fund’s guidelines and donor intent in compliance with IRS guidelines.

Are scholarships awarded on the basis of merit or financial need?

It depends. Some scholarships are merit based, some scholarships are based on financial need, and some are a combination of both.  Scholarship reviewers make their selections based on a compilation of various criteria, including but not limited to: leadership potential, academic performance, work experience and commitment to school and community, as well as financial need and any other fund-specific requirements.

Notification and Awards


When will I find out if I’ve been awarded a scholarship?  Will you let me know if I have not?

Applicants are notified in writing through email (if they applied online) if they are selected to receive a scholarship award. All applicants can log on to the portal to check on the status of an application. We encourage applicants to check the website regularly for status updates between late April and July.

What happens if I am selected as a scholarship recipient?

Scholarship recipients will receive an official letter by email, as well as a instructions regarding how to claim a scholarship. These emailed documents will be sent to the address that was provided by the applicant on the General Application/Student Profile. Award recipients should be on the lookout for these documents to arrive. Read them and respond in a timely manner.

What expenses can the scholarship pay?

These scholarships are tuition only unless otherwise stated.

What happens if I move or change schools after I’ve been awarded a scholarship?

Award recipients who have changes after the application is submitted should contact a Program Officer with the updated information and we will advise on how to proceed.

Recipients who have a change of school should also notify a Program Officer of the change. Certain scholarships have restrictions related to the school that the recipient must attend.

What if I am only attending one semester and then graduating?

Scholarships are split between fall and spring semester as they are for full time students. If you are graduating early or will not be attending one of those semesters, please notify one of our Program Officers to ensure you are still eligible and to discuss how payment will be handled.

If I receive a scholarship for one year, will I automatically receive an award for the following year?

No, scholarships are for one academic year so you must apply each year.

Where can I send a thank you note?

Please send a thank you note upon receiving your award by mail to the Fairfield County Foundation at the below address. It can be addressed to the scholarship review committee for your specific scholarship award.

Fairfield County Foundation
162 E. Main Street
Lancaster, Ohio 43130

Questions? Please contact Senior Program Officer Abby King at or Program Officer Andrea Spires at or call (740) 654-8451.